Donnerstag, Dezember 19, 2024
StartAus dem Coffeeshop21-Buddha explains the anger - Buddha-Blog-English-Podcast

21-Buddha explains the anger – Buddha-Blog-English-Podcast

Buddha Blog English Podcast Episode 21

Hello and welcome to Buddha Blog, the Buddhist podcast.

Your show for Buddhist topics, mindfulness and meditation.

I am Shaolin Rainer, and I am very happy that you are here.

You are listening to the 21th episode of my podcast „Buddha Blog English„, and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce this project to you.

I dream of a world where the values and contents of Buddhist philosophy are as natural as eating or drinking.

That’s why I started this podcast.

Enjoy „Buddha Blog English Podcast

Contents of the podcast:

1-Insect mortality

2-Love can kill

3-The perfect teaching

4-When is it enough?

5-The unshakable


7-Self love part 1

8-Buddha and the anger

Buddhism in everyday life – Mindfulness in every day actions

Please also download my app „Buddha-Blog English“ from the Apple and Android stores.

This podcast is largely funded by its listeners. I would be happy to welcome you as a supporter as well. Thank you to everyone who supports Buddha Blog in their own way.

Meine Publikationen:

1.) App „Buddha-Blog“ in den Stores von Apple und Android 

2.) App „Buddha-Blog-English„, siehe ebenfalls bei Apple und Android.

3.) Die Webseite „Shaolin-Rainer„, auch als App erhältlich, Apple und Android.

4.) App „SleepwithSounds“ bei Apple und Android.

5.) Buddha Blog Podcast (wöchentlich)

6.) Buddhismus im Alltag Podcast (täglich)

7.) Facebook (@BuddhaBlogApp)

8.) Telegram Kanal:

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Kontoinhaber: Rainer Deyhle, Postbank, IBAN: DE57700100800545011805, BIC: PBNKDEFF

1000 Dank!


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